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hey, i'm aly! i'm an artist based in northern virginia, and i recently graduated with a BFA from the Maryland Institute College of Art. i majored in illustration with a minor in book arts, and i'm currently in the capstone year of the masters of art in teaching program.


nature has always been synonymous with the idea of home. growing up, the concepts of nature and family have always been closely intertwined. i had a lot of adults in my life who fostered a curiosity with the natural world, so it's always been connected to my ideas of family and community. the focus on natural elements in my work has led me to consider environmentalism and sustainability and how impacts my materials and subject matter. bringing awareness to the importance of the environment is something i'm always striving for in my artistic practice. i'm passionate about teaching in new ways, incorporating a mix of educational and storytelling aspects within my artwork.







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© 2021 by aly jones

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